Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011, The Year YOU Are Going to Make A Change

So 2011 is upon us! Happy New Year to Everyone! I'm sure most of you have written down New Years Resolutions, myself included! Now, when it comes to exercising and eating right, I've heard every excuse in the book why people cannot seem to follow my weight loss plans. No one wants to change... not really... not deep down. We all want things to be as they are, it's easier. I'm here to tell you that change is really hard. I didn't start out as a Personal Trainer. I changed my life and became one. I didn't start out naturally thin with a great metabolism, I worked my weight off, and I had to change my exercise and eating habits to do it. Both exercise and eating have to be changed, it cannot be one or the other, it simply does not work that way.

I can tell you with 100% confidence that Exercise and Eating Right are hard work. But I can tell you with that same 100% confidence, that they are WORTH IT.

Caitlin's Top 5 Reasons why Exercise is WORTH IT:

1. Exercise boosts Immune System/Life Quality/Length of Life. The people who regularly exercise get sick a lot less often. Case in point, I've gotten mildly sick once or twice in the last year. My husband, who is less active, has gotten sick about once a month. Are you chronically ill? Exercise might be the prescription you need! Studies haveproven that Exercise can increase lifespan, and most definitely life quality.

2. Exercise boosts Mood. When you exercise, get your heart pumping, you get a flood of endorphines, regularly called an exercise high. It feels amazing when you finish your workout. You feel tired, yes, but you feel exhilerated! Exercise, when done regularly, can become incredibly addictive, making a noticeable difference in your mood on the days you do and don't work out. Not only that, but you feel better about yourself, and getting closer to your goals, when you put in a good workout. Studies have proven Exercise more effective than anti-depressants.

3. Exercise enhances your Sex Life. Yes, I mentioned it. I had to. All I'm going to say is, read this article, and find out for yourself why.

4. Exercise Boosts Metabolism. Especially when you are Weight Training and Sprint Interval Training. More Muscle Mass = Higher Natural Metabolism. I can help you with this!

5. Exercise Reduces Stress. It helps reconnect your mind and your body and take your mind away from all of the stressful things that are in your life. It also helps flood the body with endorphines (as I mentioned before) and reduce the amount of adrenaline and cortisol that may be flooding your system while you stress out mentally.

Caitlin's Top 5 Reasons why Eating Right are WORTH it:

1. Eating Right Boosts your Immune System. See my article on Obesogens. See my article on High Fructose Corn Syrup. See all my articles. The way you eat can drastically affect the way you feel and the way your body runs. If you've got artificial chemicals mucking up the factory, it's not going to run too smoothly, now is it?

2. Eating Right Boosts your Self-Esteem. You know when you're eating healthy, you feel great about yourself, and your ability to do something good for your body. When you eat something bad, you know it, and you feel it. You may get down on yourself for it. Was it worth the 20 seconds of tastebud bliss? I don't usually think so.

3. Eating Right Gives you Lots of ENERGY. The better you eat, the healthier, and the more whole foods you eat, the more energy you will have naturally. This will help you get your workout on! Eating every 2-3 hours, including protein to keep yourself full, and getting all your green veggies and vitamins in (especially the B vitamins) will make a significant difference in your daily energy levels!

4. Eating Right Increases Your Lifespan. This is a no-brainer. The healthier you eat, the healthier you are, the longer your body will function at a better rate, and the longer you will live, and live comfortably for that matter!

5. Eating Right HELPS YOU LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!! 70-80% of your Weight Loss success depends on how you eat. I can work you into the ground with lunges and pushups, but if you go home and stop at Wendy's on the way there, you're not only negating all the hard work you just put in, your probably adding to the problem. Do me a favor, add "STOP EATING FAST FOOD" to your resolutions list and keep it there for the rest of your life. I would rather starve than eat fast food. It is SO bad for you.

If you're ready to change your life, to get in shape, and learn the skills necessary to succeed at your health and weight loss goals, come see me.

Call today (512) 949-9580 for a Free Consult, or go to my website: http://roundrockpersonaltrainer.com, or http://austinspersonaltrainer.com.


We will be starting our HIIT Bootcamp as soon as we reach enough members, we have 4 more slots left, and they are ripe for the taking!

Enjoy Sprint Interval Training, with Peer Support and Time Improvement Goals!

2 days/week (Monday and Thursday) for only 30 minutes/class!

Classes will be held Monday & Thursday at 7:00am-7:30am at Settlement Park in Round Rock, TX. Classes are only $45/month if you act now! Starting in February they will be $50/month!

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